I’ve built and maintain many WordPress websites. I really love WordPress’ ease of update, however having to maintain these sites I greatly dislike the constant theme updates. I understand the need to update themes you use, but why do I need to download a new Twenty-x theme every 12 months when I’m using a custom theme that’s not dependant on any of them?
In an effort to lighten my work load I went in search for a quick fix but came up empty handed. A quick poke through the WP core showed a handy filter I could change to quickly get my desired result.
Unfortunately because this is admin core functionality it needed to be in a plugin. If you have a base theme plugin add this to that, otherwise use as is.
* @package Remove_Theme_Updates
* @version 1.0
Plugin Name: Remove Theme Updates
Plugin URI: https://morganleek.me/
Description: Remove annoying theme updates from WordPress. Don't use if you need your themes automatically updated.
Author: Morgan Leek
Version: 1.0
Author URI: https://morganleek.me/
add_filter('site_transient_update_themes', 'remove_update_themes', 100, 1);
function remove_update_themes($value) {
return null;