Category: Plugins
Remove WordPress Theme Update Notifications
I’ve built and maintain many WordPress websites. I really love WordPress’ ease of update, however having to maintain these sites I greatly dislike the constant theme updates. I understand the need to update themes you use, but why do I need to download a new Twenty-x theme every 12 months when I’m using a custom theme…
Advanced Custom Fields and Woocommerce Location Rules
Just a short post about a Git I’ve started up. I recently needed to specify a couple of ACF fields to only appear on a ‘Simple Product’ type in ever popular Woocommerce. To my surprise there wasn’t an existing plugin that extended ACF location rules to integrate with Woo attributes. So I went about writing my very own. Recently deciding I…
Latest Posts by Category Widget
Description | Features | Download | Screenshots Description This WordPress widget allows the user to print a list of recent posts by category. Features The user can select one or more categories to display. Options include custom title, custom read more link, custom read all link, excerpt length, hide excerpt and ability to select a…